How To Get Blacklisted Before You Make It!


blacklisted on bandlab

Some of you who haven't even made it yet may already be blacklisted. You may not even realize it, but it's your fault and you did it to yourself!

Some of my friends work for record labels and use Bandlab. They use nonchalant accounts to check out what artists are on there trending and may even reach out to them. They say that when the artists have a big ego or behave in an unfriendly manner, they tell all their friends how difficult these artists are to work with and suggest not to work with them, regardless of how good their material is. These artists who are difficult to work with hardly stand a chance of ever making it in the industry based simply on their behavior online. That's how the game works!

I'm serious. You may not realize it, but on platforms as large and widely used as Bandlab, it's quite possible that you have already come across famous and powerful people. People with power and influence love reaching out on platforms like Bandlab and other music networks, but they don't like to identify themselves as famous. If they identified who they were, they would gets tons of unwanted solicitations. Therefore, they pretend to be average musicians.

How you interact with a lot of these people may determine your chances of success. When you behave in an unreasonable way, you push these talent scouts away. Not only may your behavior prevent them from doing business with you or helping your career, but they also tell their friends in the industry as well. 

Word of your negative behavior gets around fast in these spaces and you shouldn't make enemies. But when you do make enemies, that increases your chances of never being discovered.

I know musicians who believe they can't get famous because the industry is rigged or because it's almost impossible to get discovered. And while it is hard to get discovered, they never reflect back and consider that the reason why no one has approached them is due to their behavior and how they interact with their fans and complete strangers.

1). Being rude will get you blacklisted. It may serve as a high or an ego booster for you while you're doing it. Some people actually feel powerful because they can be rude. But the truth is, big brother is always watching how you move and behave. I hope it really makes you feel good because rudeness will often cost you most of your chances of ever being discovered.

2). Saying you are going to do something and not pulling through. It's a sure way to blacklist yourself. Recruits who work for these record labels usually warn each other about "problem" musicians and entertainers.

3). Ignoring your contacts who you have already made plans with. Yep, it's a sure way to get blacklisted. Once you prove you are not dependable, record labels will frown on you and your name will be passed around like a floozy that all boys don't respect anymore.

4). Because you are a trouble maker. No one likes a trouble maker, especially record labels with millions of dollars to invest in you who will stand to lose all of their investments. No matter how talented you believe you are, you are definitely not worth the trouble to them.

5). You make enemies for fun. When you play foolish games then you will win foolish prizes. Some of the enemies that you go around randomly making are definitely executes at some of the world's most prestigious recording companies, or they know someone who works for them. The more enemies you make at random, the better chance you have of making enemies at some of the world's top-rated industries.


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